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14 Mar 2011

Western Riding Lesson 2

After the workshop that I blogged about earlier, I attended my 2nd Western Riding lesson at Glen Austin Stables on 5 March 2011.

We were a group of 5. Two ladies. 3 men. Debbie Griffiths was our Master Cowgirl.

We learned how to do the following groundwork:
  1. Fetch your horse
  2. Turn your horse around you, in hand, with application of your own body weight
  3. Stretch your horse's legs (all legs)
  4. Turn your horse out (with lunge rope around bum - on both sides)
  5. Check you horse's back and general condition before kitting up
These steps have to be performed before each ride. It's a good warm-up for your horse and some vital bonding takes place so that by the time you are ready to get on, you are comfortable with the horse and he is comfortable with you.

We were then taught how to kit the ponies up properly and how to mount. (Thanks for your help V, could not have managed without you).

In a group lesson format we were taught the basics of steering, walking and jogging. Admittedly, I was a bit afraid of the jog, but did manage to get a few strides of the jog in before losing all my nerve.

A great lesson. Much learned.

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